The Best Way Detox This Spring To Regain Health And Vitality
We can all use a little “reboot” every once in awhile – and so can our organs. While there are many ways to detox your body naturally, these tips will help you get started if you’re not sure where to begin. They are easy, fast, and powerful ways to give a little love to your organs of detoxification. These are the important organs and systems that are responsible for moving toxins out of your body on a daily basis. Give one or more of these tips a try and notice the difference in your energy, mental clarity, stamina, and overall health!
But first, if you are planning any type of New Year’s cleanse or detox, there are some steps you can take to make any efforts to detox your body safer and more effective…
5 Steps for a Successful Detox or Cleanse
#1. Check with a professional. First and foremost, if you are dealing with a chronic condition or specific disease situation, be sure to consult with your natural health practitioner before starting any cleanse or detox program. The point of a detox is to heal and rejuvenate, not stress your body further.
#2. Plan ahead. Secondly, if you decide to do a detox, choose a timeframe when you know that you can really devote yourself to your own healing. Not every cleanse requires you to hermit yourself away from the rest of the world for weeks on end. Many detoxification plans allow you to function well, go to work, and take care of your normal responsibilities. Still, planning a detox during a super-stressful week at work or at home might not be the best strategy.
Before starting any specific plans to detox your body, you may wish to stick to a mostly-vegetarian diet for a few days. This allows your body to rest and prepare. Upping your water intake and adding a little lemon to your water a few days prior to starting your cleanse can also gently begin the process.
#3. Take your time. Especially if you plan on going “all out” and doing a full-body detox which will target each organ separately over a specific amount of time, remember to take your time. Detoxing isn’t something you do once and that’s it. Although a detox may occur in your busy life only once or twice a year, its effects will last longer if you work with your body, so don’t push it.
In addition, be sure to take the time to reflect on how your body feels and other insights you may have during your cleanse. You may want to record these in a health journal or notebook so you can look back at your progress.
#4. Work with your body. Remember, our bodies do have built-in mechanisms that help them detoxify on their own. When we do a detox of a particular organ, we are merely helping that organ function at its best. With that in mind, consider which part of your body you wish to target. The colon and the liver are two places that many people detox on a regular basis, but it may help for you to reflect on your own health situation first. Talking it over with your physician (if he or she is open to the concept), a natural health practitioner, a nutritionist, or a health coach first may be a sound first step for you.
#5. Keep an open mind (and heart).Finally, get ready for some major cleansing on all levels, especially if this is your first experience with detoxing. You may experience a roller-coaster of emotions and physical sensations as toxins are released, balance is restored, and the healthy cells of each organ begin to “wake up” to their full healing potential. Most unpleasant symptoms associated with a cleanse usually last just a few hours to a few days at the most.
If flu-like symptoms, headaches, fatigue, or mood-swings last for longer, consider slowing down or stopping your detox and talking with your health professional.
A Natural Detox Is as Unique as You Are
Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the ways you can help to detox your body. Other popular types of cleanses or detoxes include gallbladder cleansing, skin detoxing, and emotional cleanses. Basically, anytime you decide to pare down, get simple, eliminate aggravating situations (which could be food or negative people), and focus on healing and repairing, you are helping your body to detox.
It may take a while to heal an imbalanced gut, a sluggish liver, or an inflamed kidney, so take your time and go at your own pace. Be gentle with yourself during your detox time. And remember, detoxing isn’t a race and it is isn’t “one size fits all.” It is a unique process that needs to be designed by you based on your body’s needs, ideally with the guidance of a holistic health practitioner.
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