Glute Free Sourdough Starter Recipe For Beginners
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Sourdough Starter is used in place of yeast in breads and pastries to achieve the rise and add a a nice texture to your breads. Sourdough is knows to be easier on your digestion as it uses wild yeast instead of added yeast which can contribute to health and digestion upset in some. Many families today are switching to sourdough bread like our forefathers did before in advent of man made yeast.
Taste: sourdough has a slight sour taste, depending on how fermented tour starter is before you use it it can be a strong or gentle flavor. I like a nice light sour taste, not too strong.
How to make it
1 tbs water and 2 TBS rice or buckwheat flour. Add another TBS water if it's too dry.
Add to a jar mix well, lightly cover jar with lid or coffee filter.
Wait 24 hours and 'feed' again with 1 TBS water and 1 TBS flour.
Feed every day for 3 days. Once it's bubbly and sour discard 2 tbs of starter and feed with 1 TBS water and 1 TBS flour, wait 12 hours feed again.
Next day, feed and wait until it's nice and bubbly.
It's now ready to use.
Starter Tips*
Use a wooden soon to mix.
Double feed twice or 3 times a day if it's not active after 3 days.
Once bubbly It's ready to use in your bread recipe.
Watch the detailed video here
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