How 40 Pushups Can Save Your Life

salisha peters

A study from Harvard's School of Public Health revealed that middle-aged men who can complete more than 40 pushups have a significantly lower risk of cardiovascular disease compared with men who can do less than 10.

 40 pushups for heart health

Considering heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, and pushups are a simple, free activity that anyone can learn to do, this is information well worth acting on. Pushups themselves, despite their seeming simplicity, are incredibly beneficial. However, it's likely not that pushups are a panacea for your heart but, rather, serve as an indicator of your overall fitness level.

  • Men who were able to complete more than 40 pushups had a 96 percent reduced risk of cardiovascular events compared to those who could do less than 10
  • Men who could complete between 21 and 30 pushups had only 25 percent of the heart problems compared to the 10 and under group
  • The number of pushups you can complete appears to be an accurate way to gauge your heart health and fitness level
  • By building your muscular strength, pushups help you ward off cardiometabolic risks, and a higher level of muscular strength is linked to a lower risk of cancer mortality, metabolic syndrome and age-related weight and fat gain
  • It’s possible to modify pushups to suit any workout level, from beginner to advanced

Help your body workout better. Try our energy boosting spray before your pushups.Energy Boost Energy Spray


Adam Bornstein, author and CEO of Born Fitness, uses this method to improve your routine:

  • Week 1 (two workouts) — Do 10 sets of eight reps and rest for two minutes between sets. If you aren't able to perform eight pushups, rest accordingly.
  • Week 2 (two workouts) — Do eight sets of 10 reps and allot a minute of rest between sets.
  • Week 3 (two workouts) — Do six sets of 15 reps and allot a minute of rest between sets.
  • Week 4 (two workouts) — Do four sets of 20 reps and allot two minutes of rest between sets.

Ok, so let's start today!

Tag me on Instagram at #40pushupsnow with your pushup routine! I'll offer 10% off your order in store when you tag me on Instagram with your pushup routine. 

Have fun,


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    *Breaking NEWS* HPV Has NOW Been CURED!

    salisha peters1 comment

    Times Now Digital 

    New Delhi: In a significant breakthrough, a researcher from the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) reportedly claimed to have found a complete cure for human papillomavirus (HPV), which may help prevent the spread of cervical cancer among women. Eva Ramon Gallegos, a Mexican scientist was able to completely eliminate the virus in 29 patients infected with HPV.

    According to the report, the team of researchers led by Dr Gallegos treated the women using non-invasive photodynamic therapy (PDT). As per the National Cancer Institute, photodynamic therapy is a treatment that involves using a drug, called a photosensitizer or photosensitizing agent, and a particular type of light to treat different areas of the body. 

    (Dr Eva Ramon Gallegos (middle) with her team. Image courtesy: National Polytechnic Institute)

    Reportedly, Gallegos has been studying the effects of photodynamic therapy for two decades to help tackle different types of tumours such as breast and melanoma cancer. Gallegos, who specialises in the study of photodynamic therapy, treated 420 patients in Oaxaca and Veracruz, as well as 29 women in Mexico, using the technique.

    The results were promising as the researchers found that the photodynamic therapy was able to eradicate the virus in 100% of the those who were HPV carriers without any premalignant lesions of cervical cancer, 64.3% in women with both HPV and lesions, and 57.2% in patients who had lesions without the HPV infection. 

    What’s remarkable about this research is that this therapy doesn’t have any collateral damage to the human body, meaning it has no side effects.

    “Unlike other treatments, it only eliminates damaged cells and does not affect healthy structures. Therefore, it has great potential to decrease the death rate from cervical cancer,” she explained, as per a Radio Guama report.

    Human papillomavirus is widespread all over the world. There are more than 100 variants of HPV, of which at least 14 can cause cervical cancer - which is quickly becoming a leading cause for death among women cancer patients worldwide. With an estimated 570,000 new cases every year, representing 6.6% of all female cancers, cervical cancer is the fourth most frequent cancer in women, says the World Health Organisation (WHO).

    Thanks for reading. Please share this article. 


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    8 Toxic Skincare Ingredients You Should Avoid

    salisha peters

    Hundreds of brands from all over the world have flooded the market with tens of thousands of beauty and skincare products. Some of these products were made with your beauty and health in mind, but many were created just to make a quick buck. And when manufacturers place an emphasis on quantity over quality you know that there’s bound to be some products loaded with cheap and harmful ingredients.

    1. Formaldehyde in Hair Straighteners

    Despite label claims of being “formaldehyde-free”, many keratin-based hair straighteners, when tested, were found to contain formaldehyde, a known carcinogen. The levels of formaldehyde found were fairly low, and shouldn’t pose a hazard if you’re only straightening your hair a few times a year, but more often than that isn’t a great idea. And stylists, who use the products on their customers regularly, are at risk.

    2. Mineral Makeup

    Often considered a natural alternative to makeup, mineral-based products often come in the form of powders. The problem results because the particles of minerals such as mica are so small, they float through the air and can be inhaled into the lungs. (Consider this: When construction workers use spackle and other products containing mica, they wear masks to avoid breathing them in.) There hasn’t been any warning issued for mineral makeup yet, but some experts, such as pulmonologists, are warning women that lung damage could result from frequent use.

    3. Lead In Lipsticks

    tested hundreds of lipsticks following an alert issued by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. Two consecutive FDA investigations found lead in 100 percent of the lipsticks tested. And the amounts of lead found aren’t small. The first FDA test revealed lead levels up to 3.06 ppm (parts per million), and the second FDA test — scheduled for publication in the May/June 2012 issue of Cosmetic Science – found lead levels up to 7.19 ppm.

    and Cover Girl. And high-end brands like Dior and M.A.C. weren’t exempt either. Five of the ten most contaminated lipsticks were manufactured by L’Oreal USA.Perhaps most disturbing, in some ways, is that even the “natural” brand Burt’s Bees had one lip shimmer that tested in the middle range for lead!

    Consider that there is no safe level for lead (in other words there needs to be zero lead in order for a product to be considered safe) and you can see we’ve got a serious problem here. Then consider that the FDA issued a consumer Q&A concluding that the lipsticks posed no danger if used correctly and you can see we’ve got another more serious problem here. In other words, don’t lick your lips, eat anything while wearing lipstick, or kiss anyone!

    4. Synthetic fragrances

    Just because a product smells good doesn’t mean it is good. Synthetic fragrances are considered to be one of the top allergens in beauty and skincare products. When you take into account the fact that the majority of synthetic fragrances are derived from petrochemicals then this shouldn’t really come as a surprise.

    5. Sodium lauryl sulfate 

    If a product foams, it’s got this chemical. The list of detrimental health effects associated with sodium lauryl sulfate include skin irritation, eye damage, canker sores, and diarrhea. In the most extreme cases, sodium lauryl sulfate can interact with other chemicals to form carcinogenic nitrosamines

    6. Mineral oil 

    This low-cost, zero-nutrition oil is used as a filler and to give skincare products a moisturizing effect. Coating your skin with something made with mineral oil, however, will clog your pores and prevent the skin from eliminating toxins. When toxins build up under your skin, you become more prone to acne and other skin conditions.

    7. Parabens 

    These preservatives keep your skincare products free of mold and bacteria. Though the idea behind parabens is a solid one, they’ve been linked to developmental and reproductive disorders, endocrine system disruption, and even the heightened risk of breast cancer. Be on the look-out for ingredients containing the “-paraben” suffix on the ingredients label, such as isobytlparaben, butylparaben, and methylparaben.

    8. Retinyl palmitate

    This form of vitamin A can be found in sun-protecting and anti-aging products. Though intended to be used under the sun, retinyl palmitate can actually speed up cancerous

    tumor growth wn it comes into contact with sunlight.

    So before you use any skincare product, check the ingredients label to see if it was made with these chemicals.It's time to ditch the dirt! Leave those chemical laden face products in the past. Embrace what truly natural beauty looks like! Switch up your skincare routine with our carefully curated selection of facial cleansers, soaps, makeup removers, moisturizers and face creams. Made with food grade, cruelty free, organic ingredients that compliment each other in the most beautiful way. Proudly Canadian!

    Two of my premium organic ingredients to consider are Brightening Organic Facial System and Inner Glow Toning Spray With Aloe And Tea Tree



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    Kid Friendly Gluten Free Low Carb Animal Crackers

    salisha peters


    • 1 cup – sunflower seeds
    • 1/4 cup – flaxseed, ground
    • 1/4 cup – coconut flakes
    • 1 tablespoon – honey
    • 1/8 teaspoon – salt
    • 1/4 cup – water
    1. Place shelled sunflower seeds in a food processor or blender. Grind until it's the texture of coarse meal.
    2. Place seed meal into a bowl and add remaining ingredients and stir with a spoon.
    3. Chill in the fridge for 30 minutes.
    4. Spoon batter onto wax paper. Cover with wax paper and roll out with rolling pin until 1/4-1/8th inch thick. Cut out shapes.
    5. Place shapes on greased cookie sheet. Bake in 300 degrees oven for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and cool on wire rack.
    6. Delicious served with sweetened yogurt.

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    Why You Should Start Drinking This Tea Today

    Salisha Peters
    For some people, chrysanthemums, also known as mums, may be nothing more than a hardy flowering plant commonly found in garden beds and flowerpots. For others, however, this pretty flower is known to provide an array of medicinal benefits. In fact, it's been used as a traditional herbal tea for hundreds of years in some Eastern countries.

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    Is It Love or An Addiction? Caffeine Overdose Symptom You Need To Know

    salisha peters

    We all like coffee, some of us LOVE coffee! But is it really love, or is it an addiction?

    Here are some very important reasons why you should consider lowering your caffeine intake.

    The recommended amount of caffeine is usually 400 milligrams per day for healthy adults. Caffeine overdose may occur if you ingest more than this amount. Adolescents should limit themselves to no more than 100 mg of caffeine per day. Pregnantwomen should limit their daily intake to 200 mg of caffeine, since the effects of caffeine on the baby are not fully known.

    However, what constitutes a safe amount of caffeine differs for everyone based on age, weight, and overall health. The average half-life of caffeine in the blood ranges from 1.5 to 9.5 hours. This means it can take anywhere from 1.5 to 9.5 hours for the level of caffeine in your blood to drop to half of its original amount. This wide range in average half-life makes it difficult to know the exact amount of caffeine that can lead to overdose

    Are you aware of your caffeine intake?


    Caffeine is ok in regular quantities, however many people drink too much, enough that it can cause quite a few side effects. Here are my top 10 reasons to lower your caffeine intake!

    Caffeine Overdose Symptoms

    *Jitters, Restlessness, and Nervousness.

    *Increased heartbeat.



    *Heart palpitations (cardiac arrhythmia)





    Sources of Hidden Caffiene


    *Candy and gum

    *Energy Drinks


    Our green tea pods are an excellent way to enjoy a lower caffiene intake while still providing energy in doese that are more reasonable and won't shock your body or your doctor!

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    How To Heal A Stomach Virus Fast

    salisha peters

    Stomach problems may occur every now and then and they will eventually pass. But what happens when a virus enters your digestive system and causes a host of uncomfortable symptoms that last for several days? What you’re currently experiencing is what is commonly called a stomach flu, or gastroenteritis.

    What Is a Stomach Virus?

    A stomach virus (or stomach flu) is a condition that causes the stomach and intestines to become inflamed, resulting in a variety of uncomfortable, digestive-related symptoms. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, there are many types of viruses that can cause this condition, chiefly:

    Norovirus: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that norovirus is very contagious and can spread via a number of ways, such as through contaminated food, water or surfaces. It is also considered the most common cause of acute gastroenteritis.

    Rotavirus: The rotavirus belongs to the Reoviridae family of viruses, and is identified by its double-stranded RNA enclosed by a double-shelled outer layer. As with other viruses, it is very contagious and causes severe diarrhea among infants and children.

    Astrovirus: Astrovirus strains are single-stranded, positive-sense and non-enveloped RNA viruses belonging to the Mamastrovirus family. The virus is contagious among children and the elderly, but adults are more resistant to it.

    These viruses are commonly acquired through ingestion of contaminated food or water. In some cases, infected utensils, towels or other items can spread the disease.

    Telltale Symptoms of a Stomach Virus

    When a virus begins to affect your digestive system, you may develop various symptoms, such as:

    Watery stools

    Abdominal cramps and pain



    Muscle aches or headache

    Low-grade fever

    Depending on the type of virus that enters your stomach, the symptoms may manifest  in one to three days with varying intensities, ranging from mild to severe. If you experience these symptoms right away, visit a doctor first for a proper diagnosis. You may confuse your condition with other diseases, such as bacterial diarrhea caused by salmonella or E. coli, which will require a different treatment.

    The Best Foods to Eat While Managing a Stomach Virus

    While a stomach virus may take away your appetite, you will still need to eat and drink healthy food to help lower the chances of worsening symptoms. But don’t just consume any food you can get your hands on. You will need to follow a strict procedure to help manage your condition:

    1.Stop eating for a few hours: Allow your stomach to settle so you can begin to prepare yourself consuming food and water again.

    2. Slowly begin drinking fluids: Once you feel better, drink small sips of water over the course of a few hours. Not drinking enough fluids can lead to dehydration, which can make you feel worse in the long run. However, don’t drink too much water at once, as it can exacerbate nausea and vomiting.

    3. Note your urination: Ideally, your urine should be light and clear. This signifies that you are properly hydrated. Dark-colored urine means that you’re lacking fluids. Continue drinking water until you achieve the ideal color.

    4. Eat bland foods first: Foods that are bland and easy to digest such as bananas and chicken can help replenish lost nutrients caused by diarrhea.

    Bananas are generally recommended during a bout of stomach flu because the fiber can help increase the bulk in stool, but apples are also a viable alternative. As your health begins to improve, other healthy foods that you can slowly ease yourself into other foods such as eggs, fresh fruits (in moderation) and vegetables.

    If your stomach can tolerate it, drinking tea with ginger may help with your symptoms. It contains anti-inflammatory compounds that may help ease nausea, vomiting and pain in your stomach. To make the tea:

    1.Place one fresh ginger root in 1 cup of water.

    2.Boil the water for five minutes then steep for 10 minutes.

    3.Strain the tea after boiling, then drink. Repeat for two to three times a day.

    Drink our Blooming flower tea. 

    Foods to Avoid When You Have a Stomach Virus

    While certain foods can help you replenish your health while you recover, there are foods you should be avoiding as well. In particular, you should stay away from processed foods and drinks, including fruit juices, as well as fried foods. These can irritate your digestive system further. The table below expounds more on which foods and beverages you avoid

    Dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt

    Spicy foods

    Caffeinated drinks such as coffee

    Carbonated and/or sugary drinks

    Canned or packaged soups


    Prepared meats, deli meats, sliced meat

    Foods that have spices

    Alcoholic drinks

    How to Get Rid of a Stomach Virus: Manage Your Symptoms Properly

    As with other viral infections, there is no definite and immediate cure for the stomach flu. Instead, your body will have to fight off the disease slowly. The appropriate course of action is to manage your symptoms by making sure you eat healthy foods and drink plenty of fluids, which will help lower your risk of developing complications, such as dehydration. Remember to get lots of rest and high-quality sleep, too, as this will help your body fight off the virus.

    Prevent the Stomach Flu From Happening in the First Place

    Stomach flu is one of the most common causes of hospitalization in America. If not treated right away, it may even be fatal. Since there is no cure for this condition, prevention is more appropriate to help lower the risk of spreading disease among family members. Here are some effective tips that you should regularly follow:

    Wash hands with warm water and triclosan-free soap before preparing food

    Wash all fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consumption

    Clean the area where food is prepared, such as the kitchen countertop, regularly

    Avoid sharing utensils and use separate towels in the bathroom

    Avoid eating deli meats in large quantities. CHECK THE EXPIRY DATE!

    Eat organic: organic food and supplements are your best bet for avoiding food related illnesses especially food poisoning.

    Enjoy your meals and have fun with it!


     Please Check Out My Shop. There Is Literally Something For Everyone!

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    Here’s How Coffee Beans Benefits Your Health

    salisha peters

    Here’s How Coffee Beans Benefits Your Health

    The beneficial compound that’s commonly associated with coffee beans is caffeine, which is known for its powerful antioxidant properties. However, coffee beans also contain other beneficial compounds, such as chlorogenic acid, diterpenes and melanoidins, to name a few.

    The amount of beneficial compounds in a cup of coffee may vary according to the coffee bean variety, roasting degree and brewing method. Together, they contribute to the following health benefits:

    Helps protect against Type 2 diabetes

    Consuming black, unsweetened coffee at least three times a day may help inhibit the onset of Type 2 diabetes, according to a study published in the Korean Journal of Family Medicine. 

    This may be due to its chlorogenic acid content, which may help regulate blood sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivity and inhibit intestinal glucose absorption.

    Helps lower the risk for Parkinson’s disease

    A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that higher caffeine intake from drinking coffee is linked to a lower risk of Parkinson’s disease. 

    The mechanism of action by which caffeine affects the incidence of this disease lies in its ability to counteract aging-related neurodegenerative processes and increase central dopaminergic tone.

    Helps improve liver health

    Coffee beans may help promote healthy liver function by reducing the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma, fibrosis and cirrhosis. It may also help keep the hepatitis C virus from replicating.

    Helps improve heart health

    According to a study published in the journal Circulation: Heart Failure, consuming two 8-ounce servings of coffee per day may help reduce the risk of heart failure.

    Helps reduce the risk for certain types of cancer

    A meta-analysis published in the journal BMC Cancer suggests that drinking coffee may help reduce the risk for bladder, breast, colorectal, esophageal, pancreatic and prostate cancers, among others.

    Helps fight against obesity

    According to a study published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, green coffee bean extract may help fight obesity by regulating adipogenesis and lipid metabolism-related genes and proteins.

    Other Uses of Coffee Beans

    In addition to brewing coffee beans, you can also use these humble seeds for many other purposes, such as:

    • Exfoliating your skin: Mix a spoonful of used coffee ground with a small amount of olive oil and/or other essential oils to make an organic and inexpensive exfoliant.
    • Freshening up the air: Place bowls of coffee grounds around your house, such as in your kitchen, to help deodorize unpleasant smells.

    You can also use ground coffee beans to help get rid of fleas from your pets, repel insects, repair scratches on dark wood furniture, and clean hard-to-remove stains from pots, pans and kitchen tools.

    How to Roast Coffee Beans on Your Own

    Learning how to roast and grind coffee beans at home is a handy culinary skill, and also gives you better control of the roast level, so you can make a cup of coffee that perfectly suits your taste. Here’s how to roast coffee beans, according to

    The Kitchen

    1. Place the green coffee beans in a pan and put the pan over medium heat. Stir the beans constantly throughout the entire roasting process to make sure that they’re evenly heated.
    2. Wait for the coffee beans to crack and smoke, around five minutes. Continue stirring, and check the beans’ color frequently.
    3. Once the beans turn the color that you desire, remove the pan from the heat and pour the beans immediately into a chilled bowl. Stir constantly for three minutes.
    4. Rotate the bowl to cool down the beans quickly, then transfer them to a colander and sift out the hulls.

    You can grind the coffee beans as soon as they have cooled, but it’s best to wait until the next day before you do so. You can use a grinder, food processor, regular blender or immersion blender for grinding the coffee beans. Simply process the beans using the device of your choice until it reaches the grind consistency that your desire.

    You can also grind the seeds manually using a mortar and pestle, rolling pin, hammer, or hand mincer. Be sure to store the roasted and ground coffee beans in an opaque, airtight container at room temperature to preserve its freshness and flavor.

    Try Making This Keto-Friendly Recipe Using Freshly Roasted Coffee Beans

    If you have a batch of freshly roasted and ground coffee beans in your home, you can use it to brew a delicious cup of coffee or if you want to take it a notch higher, try making this easy, keto-approved coffee recipe


    1 mug freshly brewed coffee

    1 tablespoon grass fed butter (raw if possible)

    1 tablespoon coconut oil


    1. Put the butter, coconut oil and brewed coffee in a blender, and then blend for 20 to 30 seconds.
    2. Pour in a mug and serve immediately.

    Coffee Skincare 

      Using coffee grounds on the skin is a growing as one of the best skincare regimen for cellulite! Finally something that truly diminishes the look cellulite. Can you believe its so simple? Just brew ypur coffee and mix several parts coffee grounds with coconut or olive oil and massage into skin 10 minutes besire showering. Wash clean and enjoy! 

      Don't want to make your one? You're in luck. Get your Arabica Coffee Scrub Here. 

      What to Keep in Mind When Brewing Coffee Beans

      Since coffee beans are among the most heavily pesticide-sprayed crops, you should only buy them from trusted organic sources to ensure that they’re free from harmful chemicals. Choose coffee beans that smell and taste fresh, and avoid using chlorine-bleached filters when brewing them at home, as they contain harmful disinfection byproducts that may contaminate your cup of coffee.

      Do not add sugar, cream and other sweeteners and flavorings to your drink. Adding these ingredients into your coffee not only negates its potential health benefits, but it may also put you at risk of insulin resistance.

      Additionally, be careful not to overindulge in coffee, since consuming 10 or more cups of it in a day may lead to unpleasant side effects. It’s also important to note that coffee is not recommended for pregnant and/or breastfeeding women because of its caffeine content. 

      Enjoy your cup of Joe and dont forget the grounds!



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      Sun Protection: Why Go Chemical Free? Plus An Easy Recipe You Can Make Right Now

      salisha peters

      I don’t wear sunscreen

      I’ve actually never needed to wear sunscreen since I was blessed with skin that doesn’t burn as bad as some, however some of us and our babies need some protection for our skin, occasionally. This is where my go too homemade non toxic sun screen comes in!

      Why Go Chemical Free?

      Let us break it down for you: Chemical sunscreen ingredients, often with names ending in -salate or -benzone can give a better look and feel to skin care products than physical sunscreens since they tend to sink into skin readily and dry clear. But there's some evidence that they might disrupt hormones!

      Studies on the subject have been somewhat inconclusive. Oxybenzone,probably the most notorious UV filter, was approved by the FDA way back in 1978. Also referred to as BP3, it's a member of the phenol family that has become so omnipresent, it's been estimated that traces can be found in the urine of 96 percent of the U.S. population.

      In a 2004 study, researchers found that on the first day after applying a sunscreen with oxybenzone, both young men and postmenopausal women experienced a drop of testosterone levels. The scientists concluded that the fluctuations were not tied to the chemical. But physical sunscreens can be helpful for anyone with sensitive skin, since they're less likely to exacerbate irritation and redness. That said, if you do prefer the idea of chemical free sunscreens, there's one ingredient to look for: "Zinc oxide", a physical blocker, is the only ingredient you need for excellent broad-spectrum protection," says David Hershthal, a professor of dermatology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.

      Make Your Own Chemical Free Sun Screen

      Coconut oil has a natural SPF of 4-5 and contains antioxidants that help protect the skin from harmful radiation from the sun. Obviously that low amount of SPF isn't sufficient for a long day in the sun, so we add red raspberry seed oil and carrot seed oil to enhance the longevity of the sunscreen. The key ingredient here is zinc oxide: with a SPF of 25 it is the best natural mineral for sun protection. Non nano, which can be found on Amazon and Ebay.

      1/2 cup coconut oil

      1/2 cup shea butter

      20 drops essential oils

      4 tbs non nano Zinc Oxide

      Mix it all up and use as needed. For a longer lasting sunscreen whip the coconut oil and shea butter with a whisk, then add zinc oxide and oils. Mix well and store in jars. Will last up to 6 months. This recipe it safe for kids and babies too! 


      And Remember to enjoy the sun while its still out, and be sure you get direct sunshine (no sunscreen) for at least 1 hour per day to get enough vitamin D. 

      Our specially formulated Shea Butter Sunscreen Lotion will instantly protect your skin from too much harmful UVA and UVB rays.Apply every 40 minutes as needed. Simply Pure By Salisha's Shea Butter Sunscreen  Lotion is a soft, silky feeling lotion made with only quality organic ingredients, safe for the whole family.


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      6 Innovative Ways To Use Empty Essential Oil Bottles

      salisha peters

      I read an article over a year ago featuring ways to use up all those 'almost empty' essential oil bottles we all have laying around. I thought now would be a wonderful time to refresh that list by writing about the ones that we actually still use! 

      Here are our favorite ways to use up the last few drops of oil in your essential oil bottles.

      1. Mattress Refresher

      Using this refresher and vacuuming help to reduce dust mites, dead skin cells, and germs.  Plus it is a great deodorizer!

      • fill empty (or almost empty) essential oil bottle about 3/4s full with baking soda
      • if the bottle had been washed out and is completely empty of essential oil, then add about 4 drops of essential oil.  (if the bottle was empty, but hadn’t been washed out yet and still has the smell of essential oils, then just add about 2 drops of essential oil).  Here are some great antimicrobial/antibacterial/antiviral essential oils to use for cleaning a mattress:  lavender, lemon, orange, tea tree, cinnamon, eucalyptus, grapefruit, lime, peppermint, spearmint, orange, tangerine, and rosemary.  Choose just one or a favorite combination of 2-3 oils.  Here are a few combinations I love using to clean my mattress:
        • tea tree, lavender, and lemon (very fresh and clean smelling)
        • eucalyptus and spearmint (very relaxing, and relieves stress)
        • tangerine, lime, and spearmint (smells like a citrus mojito)
      • shake to mix
      • put cap back on
      • let it let sit overnight so the baking soda can absorb the essential oil

       To Use:

      • remove pillows, sheets, and blankets from bed
      • pour baking soda/EO mix into a shaker or into a small strainer (if you have a king-sized bed, I would use at least two 15ml bottles of the baking soda/eo mixture)
      • sprinkle on mattress
      • leave on for a couple hours (perfect timing to wash and dry the bedding)
      • then vacuum off

      2. Car Diffuser

      Use an almost empty essential oil bottle to make a diffuser for your car:

      • stuff a cotton ball into essential oil bottle
      • put cap back on
      • let it sit for a day or two so that cotton ball can absorb any leftover essential oil
      • pull cotton ball out of essential oil bottle (use tweezers if needed)
      • use paperclip to attach cotton ball to car’s AC/heat vent
      • scent should last for 2-3 days, then you can add another drop or two of essential oil to refresh the car diffuser

      3.  Freshen as You Vacuum

      Using essential oils when you vacuum is a simple way to make your whole house smell fantastic!

      Here’s how to use up the last bit of essential oil from an almost empty bottle to make this vacuum refresher:

      • stuff a cotton ball into almost empty essential oil bottle
      • put cap back on
      • let it sit for a day or two so that cotton ball will absorb any leftover essential oil.
      • pull cotton ball out of essential oil bottle (use tweezers if needed)
      • place scented cotton ball on the floor
      • then vacuum it up

      4. Homemade All-Natural 'Febreeze'

      There’s a great one to use up those last few drops of essential oil in the bottom of a bottle.  Add a spray top to the essential oil bottle and turn it into a homemade all-natural “Febreeze” fabric refresher.  Here’s how to do it:

      1. start with an empty (or almost empty) 15ml essential oil bottle
      2. choose the linen spray that you want to make.
      3. add 2-3 drops of essential oil to the bottle
      4. fill the rest of the 15ml bottle with vodka (make sure you leave a little room at the top for the sprayer)
      5. put on the new spray top
      6. gently shake or roll the bottle to mix the vodka and essential oils
      7. shake again each time before use, spray lightly on fabric and allow fabric to dry completely

      You can substitute witch hazel or water for the vodka, but it’s best to use alcohol if you can in this recipe.  Alcohol has a faster evaporation rate than witch hazel and water, and as a result, is less likely to cause mold or mildew in fabric.  If you do need to substitute witch hazel or water, give the fabric extra time to dry, and if possible, use a fan to circulate air over the fabric until it is dry.

      5.  Instant Deodorizer

      Here’s how you turn your empty essential oil bottle into an instant deodorizer:

      • take cap and dropper off
      • place bottle in a spot that needs a little deodorizing (laundry room, bathroom, closet, refrigerator, etc)
      • that’s it; you’re done.  Let the bottle stay in there for a few days to do its work.  When the scent is gone, clean and sanitize the bottle and upcycle it for another DIY project on this page.

      6. Smelling Salts (Breathe Better Blend)

      Feeling a like congested?  Here’s a great way to upcycle your empty essential oil bottles to help support clear breathing.

      How to make essential oil smelling salts:

      • start with a cleaned and sanitized essential oil bottle
      • fill bottle with Epsom salt
      • add 4 drops of essential oil (a blend of 1 drop each eucalyptus, peppermint, lemon, and lavender works great, but you can use all peppermint or all eucalyptus if that’s all your have)
      • shake to mix well
      • put cap back on bottle in-between uses

      To use:

      • uncap bottle
      • hold bottle up close to nose (but not touching nose)
      • inhale deeply
      • repeat as needed


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